Grades 7-12 Success Stories

"As a parent, I believe that Teen Lures Prevention should be offered in every middle and high school classroom throughout the country. We honor and empower our adolescent children when we hand them this information.

"Having teens offer this information to one another is a brilliant way to recognize the most effective means of communicating effectively for this age group. I am most grateful to the respectful, powerful, and pro-active approach of Teen Lures Prevention."

- Susie Merrick, Parent 
F.H. Tuttle Middle School, So Burlington, Vermont

"Teen Lures is such a wonderful program. In my more than 20 years of working in schools I have observed that peer led programs are quite effective. Peer support and leadership groups have a significant impact on student learning. I am excited that we have moved to a time when young people are able to deliver a sex abuse prevention message to their peers.

"In this critical time of discussions regarding prevention and investigation of sex offenses against children such programs offer a key component to addressing our approach to these insidious crimes. The fact that such a common medium (the school news station) is used makes the program all the more interesting and effective. Thank you Teen Lures Prevention for helping to keep the children of our community, and beyond, safe."

- Trevor S. Whipple, Chief of Police, 
City of South Burlington, Vermont

Student Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Across the Country and World:

Illinois SAVE Chapter Chosen to Pilot Teen Lures Prevention TV Newscast Program

North Chicago SAVE (Student's Against Violence Everywhere) Chapter and Aspire Students pilot the new Teen Lures Prevention TV Newscast for High Schools. The Chapter was approached last fall by the Emmy Award-winning producers Kenneth Wooden, Rosemary Wooden Webb, and Jennifer Wooden Mitchell to be the first High School in the nation to participate in the news broadcast. The newscast is geared to speak directly to middle and high school students, in an effort to enlist their involvement in preventing sexual crimes against teens – the age group most often targeted by sexual offenders.

North Chicago High School will be broadcasting the series in house on the school's closed-circuit TV system. Also, beginning this month, during National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the broadcast will be run on the local Lake County TV Channel. This will bring prevention education in a personalized peer-to-peer format. Currently, both the SAVE students at North Chicago High School and at Neal Math & Science Academy are in the process of taping the newscasts for other identified lures. Neal students are also producing a Spanish Version.

By talking about sexual crimes and violence prevention openly, this generation of teens can be the first in history to have a direct influence on reducing the incidence of these crimes.

National SAVE Youth Advisory Board Presents