Parental Involvement: Grades 3-4 & 5-6

Parent Involvement

For any prevention program to be truly effective, schools must enlist the support and cooperation of parents. As is the case whenever a sensitive topic is addressed in the classroom, parents may have questions and concerns.

Welcome Letter & Training Modules for Parents and Guardians

Think First & Stay Safe™ Presenter's Guides provide grade-specific Welcome Letter templates to be sent home to families. The letter gives parents and guardians an overview of the program and specifically what their child will be learning at their grade level. The letter includes a link and password to (3) Parent and Guardian Training Modules, available for free viewing online:

Part 1, First Steps to Help Keep Children Safe; Understanding How To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (29 min.)
Part 2, Next Steps for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse; Definitions, Facts, Grooming and Dispelling Myths (26 min.)
Part 3, How to Step Up & Speak Out for Children’s Safety; Recognizing Signs of Child Sexual Abuse, Reporting Child Abuse & Creating a Family Safety Plan (18 min.)

Parent Support

Parents should also be provided with the name and phone number of the school's guidance counselor(s) and/or program coordinator, in case additional questions exist or arise.

Take-Home Resources for Grades 3-6

Students are also more likely to consider a program interesting and helpful if it includes take-home materials that prompt discussions with their parents. The Think First & Stay Safe™ Student Workbook for Grades 3-6 allows students to apply what they have learned during the program. Once the workbook is completed at school, it can be taken home to serve as a personal safety home reference guide.

Comprehensive Parent Guide for Parents

Distribution of the 20-page Parent Guide is strongly encouraged. Home reinforcement of Think First & Stay Safe™ classroom lessons help ensure that personal safety conversations are happening at home and students retain the invaluable information. The Parent Guide is also a very visible way for schools to demonstrate compliance with federal educational entitlements calling for parental involvement.

Tips for Parents

A helpful one-page handout entitled "Tips for Safeguarding Your Child" is also included in the program's Presenter's Guide. "Tips for Safeguarding Your Child" is available online or in the Presenter's manual for copying and distribution.