Funding & Grants
Providing personal safety education to students has become a priority for many schools and organizations, and we applaud your own efforts to be proactive!
Think First & Stay Safe™ resources are implemented school and district-wide by utilizing various funding sources, which are categorized below. Please don't hesitate to e-mail us for additional recommendations in your local area.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Use funds to purchase Think First & Stay Safe and Teen Lures TV Newscast curricula; “Implementing strategies to meet the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students hit hardest by the pandemic, including through evidence-based interventions and critical services like community schools.”
Safe & Drug-free School Funds - Used by many schools and school districts to purchase TF&SS! program materials on an annual basis.
Safe Routes to School Funds - Used by schools to purchase Think First & Stay Safe™ Parent Guides as part of their Safe Routes to School initiative.
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grants - Used to implement Think First & Stay Safe™ program throughout Leon County, Florida. (Available to school districts/LEAs.)
At-Risk Funds
Title I of the U.S. Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
Law Enforcement
Local Sheriff's Offices - e-mail us to learn how local sheriff's offices can assist your school in funding and implementing the Think First & Stay Safe™ School Program, Parent Guides and Student Workbooks.
Crime Stoppers - past sponsor of Parent Guides
Civic Support
Child Lures Prevention has a long and proud partnership with many Junior Auxiliaries and Junior Leagues throughout the country. Lions Clubs, American Legion Auxiliary, Kiwanis Clubs, Rotary Clubs of America, 4-H Clubs and other civic organizations (YMCA, United Way) have assisted schools and school districts to fund the TF&SS School Program and participated in community-wide implementation efforts. We thank these organizations for the benevolent work they do to help improve their communities.
Corporate Support Many corporations have also lent their support and names to Child Lures Preventions Think First & Stay Safe™Parent Guide, including:
- South Central Bell
- Shell Oil Company
- McDonald's
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Thrifty Car Rental
- CVS/pharmacy
- University Park Hospital
- Trustco Bank
- Ford Motor Company
- Pilgrim Health Care
- The Boston Globe
- 2006 Chicago Auto Show
School-Related Sponsorships
- School Safety Funds
- PTA/PTO/PTSA sponsorship
- Sexual Abuse Prevention
- Child Abduction Prevention
- Internet Safety
- Bullying Prevention
- Date Rape Safety
- School Violence Prevention
- School Climate Programs
- At-risk funding
- Anti-Victimization Funding
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention
Preview the Program
You can preview Child Lures Prevention educational materials for your school or organization. Contact us today for more information.