Global Partnership: Tom's Secret Video

In Cooperation with Child Lures Prevention & L. Raphael Geneve

Presented in Geneva, Switzerland at the United Nations' 30th Anniversary of The Convention on the Rights of the Child's inaugural event, PREVENTING SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN: AN EDUCATIONAL TOOLBOX. See Child Lures Prevention's statement HERE.

Through an official Global Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse between Child Lures Prevention and L. Raphael Geneve's Global Army Against Child Abuse, the Tom's Secret video is available FREE for all parents, guardians, schools and other child-serving organizations worldwide. It helps teach children that child sexual abuse is never a child's fault and that All Secrets Can Be Told.  In just 4 minutes, children learn that All Secrets Can Be Told, including secrets about sexual abuse.
By viewing and sharing this video, people the world over can help keep children safe.

En Español: "El Secreto de Tom"

Please help by sharing the Tom's Secret video, far and wide.